
InPlace Student Placement System is used by FedUni to manage Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and student placements. All students enrolled in a WIL course have access to this cloud-based placement platform.

You may use InPlace to store documentation, communicate with your placement coordinator and academic supervisor, and indicate preferences. All students who are enrolled in a course that has a work-integrated learning (WIL) (placement) component will automatically have an account created for the InPlace student placement system. The preferred browser for InPlace is Google Chrome. Log in with your student ID number and FedUni password (the password you are already using to log into My Student Centre).

All students who are undertaking a WIL experience will need InPlace to submit pre-placement requirements and preferences, to find out where you have been placed, and more.

You can download the InPlace Student User Guide (pdf, 562kb) to help with getting started. If you have further questions about using InPlace system or your placement, visit the Inplace student webpage or contact your Placement Coordinator.