
If you need some financial help, you should contact the Student Financial Support Officer. They are available for appointments in person, via phone or Skype, depending on your location and availability. Appointments in person are preferred but we know that they are not always possible. To make an appointment or for more information, contact the Health and Wellbeing team.

Assistance can be provided to help you with your budget, financial management, information and referral to other services. You can access information online via Moodle at any time to get hints, tips and useful information. You can also improve your financial literacy through the great resources that are available there.

If you are experiencing a financial crisis, the Student Financial Support Officer can help you with applying for the most appropriate financial assistance from the range of options, including emergency aid, interest free student loans, and student grants in compliance with strict eligibility criteria. Also available from this webpage is information listing available community crisis and financial support resources that you can access independently.